I sat my family down with markers, crayons and paper and shared what the trees had told me: there is a prayer river, the trees are connected underground across the valley, follow their lead. “Let us make some art. No expectations. How do you imagine us moving from here to there?” We had recently rolled the birth rocks off the top of the hill to bring with us and touched the soil where the girl’s umbilical cords once disintegrated back to the earth. Ritual upon ritual upon ritual. I was seeding, supporting, gently guiding us all to process as we went. —seeding, supporting, gently guiding everyone to process as we went. What’s wild is that now we can look back across the valley 10 miles and SEE the line of trees from our former home. With binoculars, we can pick out The Wind Tree.
I’m extending this question broadly.
How do we all imagine us moving from this poly-crisis to ‘there’?
To a live-able and maybe even a thriving future for all of humankind?

I believe in collective visioning.
I believe in the power of individuals who make-up a whole.
FREE 1-hour class hosted by me.
Get Under Your Blocks and Identify How You Want to Show Up
*Recording sent to those who sign up but can’t attend live.
November 19th at 11am MT (1pm EST).
Sign up here!
We will explore your nervous system response, deep level story, resources and then create a map.
Each one of us has a set of roles in the building and sustaining of a new earth.
What are your roles?
They are important to identify.
I identify and refine mine all the time.
It’s easy to want to show up for everything everywhere, get overwhelmed and then fall into collapse or distraction.
Doing so is adaptive on some level—initially.
But then what?
We all need lots of people solidly aligned in their specific gifts and open to listening for and being available to pivots. It can look many different ways. It doesn’t have to be attached to career or anything public facing. It’s very settling (in an unsettled world) to know your role and to be diligent to it.
Like an ant.
Ants build incredible homes.
They do it together.
Step by step.