I am compelled these days by locality. What does it mean? Why do I seek it so voraciously right now? What I don’t want is the shadow of it: myopia, exclusivity, othering, narrow-vision. None of that. Yet still, I zero in.
It’s not that I never want to leave where I am.
I want to be local to wherever I am.
I want to be where my body is!
I want my attention to be where my body is.
In the conversation.
In the kitchen.
In the car.
With the person.
With myself.
Well, that simplifies it.
Except that so many people I love are not where my body is.
Maybe it’s that I want to be local to the moment.
That is it.
Hello, hello somersaulting, grass-licking, eyes-searching attention. I see you. I notice the bright orb you are, lighting up, seeing other lights and moving toward them. Of course. You are curious. What is this? What is that? Ooooooo. Take a peek. But don’t forget me! I’m your body. You need me. I need you. Come on back. Because you look hungry, a little frazzled, maybe even defeated. Come sit in my lap and eat this bowl of oatmeal with me. We can watch the show from here. We can restore, fill up, lounge, make friends with the ant on the leaf. Then we can head out there again. Take my hand. Let’s go together this time. Let’s stay together. Okay?
Narrative Prompt
Give your attention a name, an identity, a shape, a color—a feature that defines it enough to make it feel like an entity you are in relationship with. Write a letter to it. Make some requests. Apologize. Give thanks. Ask questions. See what happens. Go on a walk and talk to it. Pour it some tea. Make it some cookies. Feel into what it might need to come back home to you.
Moon lighting the way,
I LOVED this. My attention is now a watery or airy and often allusive Margo. Hopefully less allusive soon ♥️