Okay dear Humans,
What is The Wondering (and Wandering) Column?
I do love advice columns but don’t love the word. To me, advice seems bland, one-directional, non-mysterious, and stiff. In practice, though, it is both counsel and an offering. The take it or leave it piece is essential. In all of my workshops, I encourage people to see what resonates. Like really. You DO NOT have to ever agree with me. In fact, when you don’t and you are in your own alignment and discernment, I will celebrate you with fist pumps and some silly orangutan type moves for knowing and listening to yourself. Part of this column will be an invitation to track your nervous system as you read it. Even if you didn’t ask the question! Suss out what is a yes or no for you—in both the question and the answer. Come back to yourself.
In this way, it’s an active exercise.
As a receiver of the column, you will be led closer to yourself—and that is where wandering comes in. I want to give you a map to wander on. You can be curious. Where do you want to sit, where do you not; what draws you in, what is a crevice that repels you? If those insights make it into the comment section, we have even more opportunity for celebration. What sorts of questions to ask? We are living in a wild time and that’s why I’m invested in what it means to be a modern mammal. You can ask anything about that topic or anything at all. In the end, all questions fall under that umbrella of being a human in a particular time. I don’t have advice for anyone. I have ideas and my own life experience and I’m really good at hearing your question and wondering alongside you and perhaps in a way different from you, in order to open another door for you.
I want to do that here.
For you.
1x a month-ish.
Below is how you can submit a question.
Two ways to submit a question:
1) You can email me at info@mollycaromay.com with subject line “Question for Column”
2) If you want to remain anonymous, you can write a question into this google doc.
*Please limit your question to 250 words.
I will pick one question (or two if they are similiar-ish) and then write and respond. I will share my response as it rolls out organically and remind you all each month to submit questions along the way. You can ask anything about anything, about your own intimate personal life, about the world, about story or nervous system, about anything having to do with The Question of The Month, even about me, if you like. The universal exists in the microcosm.
We are here exploring this life—together.
Aligned, excited, open,