I just came 10 feet from a moose. I was sitting on my front porch (warm winter) writing to you all and my dogs started reacting to a large bulk walking up from the gully and toward us. I assumed it was a person with another dog. Nope, moose. Though the dogs were barking and circling, that moose strolled right up to us. It darted at them a few times and came closer to me and I looked into its eye (from the safety of my porch and close to my door) and then it ambled away. If I hadn’t listened to the nudge minutes earlier to go do my work outside, I could have easily missed it. Listen, listen. Do not get distracted for too long! (Even though we all need some distraction). It’s a wild and potent-full time to be alive.
Here we all are.
And, as my friend Saadia reminded me and a bunch of others on a call the other night, here we have always been. None of this is new. People have been mobilizing since the dawn of time because they have had to mobilize to take care of themselves and their communities. Some people have had the privilege to not have to mobilize (at least not for their own personal wellbeing). Is there any other job in this lifetime than to live and delight and protect on behalf of yourself and all the other humans?

Oh, there’s the moose again. My dogs are inside and he’s back. I’m serious.
What is he doing?
He’s staring out at the mountains.
He’s taking in the view.
What are we doing?
What are YOU doing?
Here on this earth. Why are you here? Who are you here? What is your deepest longing? Not to have but to give. Often they are one and the same.
To that end, I am running a FREE 1-hour class. I haven’t done so in a long time!
Get Under Your Blocks and Identify How You Want to Show Up
November 19th at 11am MT (1pm EST).
You can sign up here.
Bring a friend because traction happens in the relational field.
*I don’t have a snazzy tagline. The title explains itself: nervous system, archetypes, let’s dig in there and see what surfaces from within
It has two purposes:
fire up this question in community and see what happens
it’s a chance for people interested in my January retreat to suss facilitator-me out
It’s not a manifesting class.
It’s an identifying class. Can you identify that longing with your mind, your soma, your soul? I’m not guaranteeing it’s going to happen in 60 minutes (it might), but we all need opportunities to initiate ourselves especially in this long shifting era where systems are crumbling and we are the alive ones making it all anew.
In community.
Don’t fuck around with doing it alone.
Some people will say we don’t need witnesses to do this life and I whole-heartedly disagree. We need one another. We are social animals. Nothing happens alone and as one of my teachers, Dr. Rosales Meza (she has a course coming up), has taught me and many others, individualism is colonial, along with perfectionism, superiority, entitlement, fragmentation, urgency, process at all costs, dehumanization, intellectualizing, defensiveness, on and on.
My work is circles.
I believe they are the answer to everything. Yes, that’s an absolute and I stand by it.
One of the many ways I facilitate circles is through retreat. My retreats are a small, intimate and nutrient-packed experience. You get a lot of me and a lot of bang for your buck, so to speak. We explore our nervous systems in real time (humans get activated and soothed by being with other humans), commune with nature intentionally, and peel back old stories and step beyond them. We do it in community because that’s how human mammals learn and integrate most fully. Retreat is a commitment for sure and it’s not for everyone but if it intrigues you, we are 3/4 full and have a few more spots.
January 17-21st at Whispertree in California
As 2025 begins, what deep longing within you is ready to bloom? Truly! I know there's something in there. Perhaps it has been hidden for much of your life. Maybe the timing or circumstances haven’t been right. We all know it’s often safer (for good reason) to tuck away those nudges. These days, though, you might be feeling it awaken. It wants to make itself known, to part the mist and move from unrealized to vital and existing, from unseen to seen. SEEN by you and even by others. What stories about yourself are ready to transform into something new? How does your mammal body want to show up more fully aligned? This process can feel edgy. Familiarity, after all, is easier, a sure bet, a boat in a still and quiet river. But emergence doesn’t have to be an unsustainable catharsis or lead to sudden life upending decisions. Let’s titrate. Let’s do it side by side. Let’s invite ourselves into this new and magnetic becoming—together, with lots of communal support.
Onward, upward, backward, downward,