I love this so much! One thing I've been trying to do in the last couple of weeks is to wake up 30 mins earlier than my kids, make myself a cup of tea, and to draw for 15 mins. As an artist so much of the art making I do now is for others (which I love) but having this sacred time when everyone else is sleeping to be creative for myself has been such a sweet new ritual to start the day.

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Jen, yes! That 30 minutes sounds divine. And so wise.

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I so needed this today (and this week) - after three glorious weeks of time off (from work, commitments, schedules), I am overwhelmed by the overwhelm of back to school and back to work. This gives me hope (and ideas and possibilities) of how to organize and reclaim my time - thank you!

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Ashlee, I'm so glad. Would love to hear what you come up with.

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I needed to read this today! Feeling similarly overwhelmed and realizing I need a change. Thank you for naming it and sharing your wisdom.

One shift that has been helpful for me is to turn FOMO to JOMO (joy of missing out).

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Yes, JOMO!

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Love this. Curious how much of this new system is shared with your partner or other key caretakers and collaborators in your life, and how much is just you. I know you mentioned the all family clean, which I love, but is it otherwise just your own system? I find it hard to create my own rhythmic changes without having my people on board but also it can feel dictatorial to tell them how I think we should be organizing our lives.

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Courtney, it's my own system for the time that I have without responsibilities to others, though I have other systems that involve my partner and family and home-tending. For example, the food day is a way of tending to my family, but I like cooking food and want to do it. I don't have to negotiate that with my partner. But grocery shopping does involve talking with him. There is overlap. I was dictatorial when I shared the family clean. I shared my idea (as given to me by another Dad) and said I want to do this 100% and then asked my husband if he had amendments based on our family. He did. We massaged it to become something that works for us. Someone has to have the original idea and then the editing can be collaborative.

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